Friday, February 19, 2010

1.3 The Lumped Matter Discipline

  • Lumped matter discipline (constraints) provides the foundation for lumped circuit abstraction.
  • Lumped matter discipline imposes three constraints on how we choose lumped circuit elements:

  1. The rate of change of magnetic flux linked with any portion of the circuit must be zero at all time (allowed unique voltage across the terminals of an element)
  2. The rate of change of the charge at any node in the circuit must be zero for all time. A node is any point in the circuit at which two or more element terminals are connected using wires. (allowed unique current across the terminals of an element)
  3. The signal timescales must be much larger than the propagation delay of electromagnetic waves through the circuit


  1. can u plz give me an example of circuit which is nt lumped
    i mean for eg:where rate of change of the charge at any node in the circuit is not zero for all time

  2. Hi, I want to congratulate you with your breakthrough. We've been missing your updates. Big hug!
